Additional information mandatory in the Electronic Integrated Declaration

Additional information mandatory in the Electronic Integrated Declaration

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) notified the Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Regulations 2019, vide Notification No. 33/2019 - Cus (NT) dated April 25, 2019.

As per Regulation 3 of Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Regulations 2019, the authorized person shall enter the electronic integrated declaration and upload the supporting documents on the ICEGATE ( either by affixing his/her digital signature or by availing the services at the service centre. 

The CBIC, vide Circular No. 9/2020 - Customs dated February 5, 2020, has now decided to introduce additional disclosures in the paperless shipping bill to bring in uniformity with the data/information captured in the GSTN. The new disclosures are in line with the Government’s endeavour of boosting domestic manufacturing and promoting exports. 

Hence, with effect from February 15, 2020, the following additional information is required to be furnished in the digital form of the electronic integrated declaration on the ICEGATE website, apart from the information presently required to be furnished as per Regulation 3 of Shipping Bill (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Regulations 2019:

  • State of origin of goods;
  • District of origin of goods;
  • Details of preferential agreements under which the goods are being exported, wherever applicable;
  • Standard Unit Quantity Code;
  • Declaration of GST registration number mandatory in import/export documents for the importers and exporters registered as GST payers. 

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