Nexus: what it is and why you need to know about it
Video: learn about your U.S. sales tax obligations
Watch now and take the guesswork out of managing U.S. sales tax
This video can help you learn:
- What nexus is and how to determine when and where you have U.S. sales tax obligations
- How to more accurately calculate U.S. sales tax rates
- When you need to manage exemption certificates
About the speakers

Sacha Wilson
Senior Director, Avalara Europe
Sacha helped to establish Avalara’s EMEA business and helps companies automate their cross-border tax compliance. Prior to joining Avalara in 2014, Sacha spent more than 20 years in ecommerce sales and management at blue chips such as ArcelorMittal, British Aerospace, and Amazon, where he led teams involved in growing Amazon’s EU Marketplace and launching Fulfillment by Amazon.

Phani Krishna
Director, Avalara India
Krishna leads the sales effort at Avalara India, and has more than 14 years of experience in enterprise sales, business development, and steering product marketing efforts. Previously, he co-founded an organisation specialising in go-to-market strategy, digital strategy, and mentorship.