The price is right - or is it?

A look at the importance of getting the price right for both the retailer and the consumer

The last few months have seen challenges for retailers selling cross-border as they sought to deal with the new complexities of Brexit, the impact of the pandemic and supply chain issues.

In this whitepaper we consider the challenges around cross-border final landed price and the additional complexities that Brexit has introduced.

A look at the importance of getting the price right for both the retailer and the consumer

The last few months have seen challenges for retailers selling cross-border as they sought to deal with the new complexities of Brexit, the impact of the pandemic and supply chain issues.

In this whitepaper we consider the challenges around cross-border final landed price and the additional complexities that Brexit has introduced.

In this white paper, we will also delve into the importance of final landed price from the consumer’s point of view as well as outlining the best practices for retailers when it comes to boosting the customer experience.

On top of this, we explore the new EU VAT changes which saw the dropping of distance selling rules, as well as the abandonment of minimum value thresholds. With more changes to come, it is essential retailers act now in order to avoid falling behind the competition.

Read the report to understand:

The importance of getting the price right for both the retailer and the consumer

The consumer viewpoint

Why you need to act now

What to do and current best practice

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