Guide to the new US sales tax laws for European businesses

Selling online is one of the few growth areas in the current challenging environment, however US tax authorities are increasingly extending their sales tax net to include non-US business.

Following the 2018 South Dakota vs Wayfair Inc. Supreme Court ruling, almost all states have brought remote sellers into the US sales tax net.

States are now expecting any overseas business, over their (low) annual sales thresholds to register with them, correctly track and calculate these fiendishly complex rates, then report and remit taxes.

If you are selling into the US, or plan to, you may find yourself exceeding the new ‘economic nexus’ selling thresholds – triggering sales tax registrations for foreign businesses. Don’t be caught out!

US sales tax for European businesses

Download our free ‘Selling in the US?’ guide

In this guide you’ll learn all about the recent and up-coming tax changes, and how you can stay compliant whilst pursuing your US expansion plans.

What's inside:
  • How the Wayfair ruling has opened the flood gates to taxing remote sellers.
  • Sales tax vs VAT - how the US tax differs from the rest of the world.
  • Common sales tax mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • A six-step checklist to get you sales tax compliant and make multi-state tax easier and cheaper.


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