Romania VAT Guide

Value Added Tax was introduced in Romania in July 1993.  Is it called Taxa pe valoarea adaugata locally.


The rules on Romanian VAT are contained within the VAT Law 2003 and Tax Code.  This last went through substantial changes in 2007 following Romania’s entry into the European Union in 2004.  The Ministry of Finance oversees the running of the VAT regime, and produces regular notices (Norme) providing supporting guidance.


Following Romania’s accession into the EU, it was obliged to implement all of the conditions (with some derogations) for VAT laid out in the EU VAT Directives.  This covers the rules and processes for Romanian VAT registrations, returns, compliance and related reporting.

Should you register for Romanian VAT?

Non-resident traders operating in Romania may have to VAT register if there are providing goods in certain situations.  In common with the other EU member states, this includes:


  • Bringing goods into the EU as imports via Romania
  • Intra-community sales (dispatches) or purchases (acquisitions) of goods from another EU country
  • Buying and selling goods in Romania
  • Holding goods in Romania as consignment stock for sale to local customers
  • Internet commerce (‘distance selling’), selling goods to consumers in Romania, although this is subject to a distance selling threshold for Romania
  • Organising conferences and other live events with paid admission on the door
  • If a company is otherwise a non-VAT trader, but is receiving services in Romania under the reverse charge rule
  • The self supply of goods


Since the implementation of the 2010 VAT Directive, there are very few situations where companies providing services in Romania are required to locally VAT register.


Note that providers of electronic, broadcast or telecoms services to consumers in Romania only have to VAT register in one EU country under the MOSS scheme to file a single return covering all 27 member states.


If you do need to VAT register, read our Romanian VAT registration briefing to understand the requirements, including any VAT registration thresholds that may apply.

There may be further exemptions from the requirement to VAT register in Romania that you should consider.  Please read our Romanian VAT Reverse Charge briefing.

Other resources

This guide covers the essential steps ecommerce sellers need to take now that the UK has left the EU Customs Union and VAT regime to keep their cross-border sales going, avoid extra tax costs and frustrated customers.

Read the report to learn about key industry trends, emerging issues, and challenges faced by cross-border sellers and shippers.

Manage international tax with cross-border solutions for VAT, HS code classification, trade restrictions, and more.

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