Will there be new sales tax holidays in 2024?
There are already close to 40 sales tax holidays in 24 states scheduled for 2024. If any of the following bills make it into law, there could soon be more.
Electrifying Florida sales tax holidays and more
The Florida Legislature is looking at a possible sales tax holiday for “items related to electric transportation.” Under Senate Bill 58, certain electric bicycles, electric scooters, and protective clothing and equipment intended for use during the operation of e-bikes and e-scooters would be exempt from Florida sales tax August 1–September 14, 2024, and again November 1–December 15, 2024.
House Bill 475 would provide a sales tax exemption for retail sales of micromobility vehicles and specified related items from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The bill defines “micromobility vehicle” as “a human- or electric-powered transportation device, including a bicycle, a scooter, an electric-assist bicycle, an electric scooter, or other small, lightweight, wheeled conveyance, that weighs less than 500 pounds, is less than three feet in width, and is designed for a maximum speed of less than 30 miles per hour.”
Last, at least for now: Lawmakers in the Sunshine State are weighing the pros and cons of a virtual currency sales tax holiday.
A severe weather preparedness tax-free weekend in Mississippi
Mississippi lawmakers are considering a sales tax holiday for severe weather preparedness items. If HB 150 becomes law, retail sales of a variety of items that can help Mississippians weather severe weather will be exempt from the first Friday in June through the following Sunday each year.
A back-to-school and holiday sales tax holiday in New Jersey
New Jersey is considering a back-to-school sales tax holiday. Under A1563, certain retail sales of computers and school supplies would be exempt from New Jersey sales tax “between 12:01 a.m. on the ninth day preceding the first Monday in September of each year and 11:59 p.m. on the first Monday in September of each year.” Mark your calendars.
An annual four-day sales tax holiday after Thanksgiving is also under consideration in New Jersey, and not for the first time. A1565/S869 would exempt retail sales of tangible personal property from sales tax on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and the Sunday between Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, which doesn’t have a spiffy moniker (yet).
A holiday shopping sales tax holiday in New York
New York has seen the New Jersey Thanksgiving weekend sales tax holiday proposal and is upping it. A3261 would provide an annual sales tax holiday for various products priced less than $500 from Black Friday through December 26.
A broad Rhode Island tax-free weekend
A sales tax holiday for retail sales of tangible personal property is on the table in Rhode Island. Under S 2157, this tax-free weekend would run August 10–August 11, 2024.
A changed Tennessee tax-free weekend and then some
HB1864/SB2108 seeks to reduce the price cap from $100 to $80 for qualifying clothing during Tennessee’s annual sales tax holiday. Yet the bill would also exclude shoes from the definition of clothing and increase the sales tax holiday price threshold for shoes from $100 to $150 per pair. If enacted, fewer articles of clothing — but more shoes — would qualify for the temporary exemption.
Two other bills introduced in Tennessee this year would establish a sales tax holiday for infant diapers, formula, and wipes sold between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.
If any of these bills, or others related to tax-free weekends, make it into law, we’ll update our 2024 sales tax holidays blog post. Check it out.

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