Date: On demand
Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: Nothing

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How to streamline your DTC compliance


How to streamline your DTC compliance

Date: On demand
Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: Nothing

Avalara may contact me about Avalara products and news. I understand I can change my preferences at any time per Avalara’s Privacy Policy

Today’s consumers value convenience, which makes the rapidly growing direct-to-consumer (DTC) channel an attractive market for beverage alcohol businesses. Whether you sell cabernet or craft IPA, shipping DTC offers the potential to discover new buyers and build your brand.

Getting your product on doorsteps means complying with many regulations that restrict when, where, and how you sell. Join us to learn how automating compliance can help you stay in good standing with authorities while you expand your customer base.

You’ll learn:

  • How the beverage alcohol industry is changing and what to expect going forward
  • Which regulations you need to follow to be successful and the pitfalls to avoid
  • How Avalara assists with shipping verification, age verification, and tax calculations to make it easier to sell DTC

Questions? Please contact Kaitlin at