Understanding exemption certificate management

Learn about managing exemption certificates and how Avalara Exemption Certificate Management can help.


When it comes to managing and submitting exemption certificates, there’s a lot of room for error. Not only do you have to know when exemption certificates can and can’t be used, but you’ll need systems in place to collect and file them. Making sure customers are presenting the correct documentation — and employees are collecting and validating them properly — is also important. 


We walk you through the common pitfalls of exemption certificate management, how to avoid them, and how Avalara Exemption Certificate Management can help support your business’s certificate management process.


In this webinar, we cover:


  • Why exemption certificate management is so complicated
  • When and how to use certain exemption certificates
  • How the Streamlined Sales Tax program might be able to help
  • The benefits of using Avalara Exemption Certificate Management Pro
  • How ECM Pro works with Avalara AvaTax

About the speakers

Jeffrey Lutters
Senior Manager, Product Solution Engineering at Avalara

Jeffrey leads a team of product solution engineers in direct support of 30,000+ Avalara customers. His team acts as both technical and tax subject matter experts as customers look to deploy new technologies, move into new markets, sell goods and services worldwide, or restructure how they view tax compliance.

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