Philippines VAT rates and VAT compliance

Filipino VAT rates

VAT is due on all goods and services supplied domestically or imported. Exports are exempted.


The following VAT rates are in place:

Philippines VAT rates



Which goods or services



"Amusement tax" on night clubs, bars, cabarets etc



All other taxable goods and services



Exports; international shipping; passenger transport; renewable energy



Sale or import of certain agricultural goods; passenger transport; domestic gas and water; financial services and insurance; medical supplies; real estate; newspapers and books

Philippines VAT compliance

Tax Point

The date on which VAT becomes due is known as the tax point or time of supply. In the Philippines this is the time of the transaction, including continuous supplies. For services, it is the time of payment. A prepayment or deposit will trigger a VAT liability.

For imports, the VAT liability occurs at the time of clearing customs.

VAT Invoices

The following information should be included on all VAT invoices to ensure the customer may reclaim the output VAT:


  • Date
  • Unique, sequential invoice number
  • Vendor’s tax identification number (TIN) and details
  • Customer’s TIN and details for invoices above PHP1,000
  • Description of the goods (including quantities, units etc) or services
  • Net, VAT and gross amounts


Invoices may be made out in foreign currencies, converted into pesos using a public exchange rate. There are no simplified invoices for B2C transactions.

Other resources

This guide covers the essential steps ecommerce sellers need to take now that the UK has left the EU Customs Union and VAT regime to keep their cross-border sales going, avoid extra tax costs and frustrated customers.

Read the report to learn about key industry trends, emerging issues, and challenges faced by cross-border sellers and shippers.

Manage international tax with cross-border solutions for VAT, HS code classification, trade restrictions, and more.

Connect with Avalara for the content you need to do tax compliance right

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