Belgian EC sales lists (ESL)

Where goods are sold (dispatched) by a Belgian VAT registered business, an EC Sales list (ESL) may be required. These listings enable the Belgian and other EU tax authorities to compare the declared VAT transactions to ensure consistency and full declarations for any tax due. Since the 2010 EU VAT Package, companies must also produce ESLs for services.

The ESL contains details of the names and VAT numbers of the recipients, the total value of the sales to the customers in the period as well as the transaction codes.

When do Belgian EU Sales List reports have to be completed?

If a Belgian VAT registered business makes an intra-community supply, a sale to another EU VAT registered business of goods or services across the Belgian border, this may have to be reported in the ESL. Reporting is monthly or quarterly depending on the company’s VAT reporting period. However, traders with a turnover of above EUR50,000 in any of the four preceding quarters will be required to file monthly ESLs. There is no reporting threshold.

Belgian ESLs can be submitted on paper using Form 723 or electronically on the Ministry of Finance website.

When should Belgian ESLs be filed?

Belgian ESLs are required on the 20th day of the month following the supply.


Failure to submit or late submission of the ESL may trigger an administrative penalty up to EUR3,000. Omissions or incorrect information can also lead to penalties up to EUR1,350.

Other resources

This guide covers the essential steps ecommerce sellers need to take now that the UK has left the EU Customs Union and VAT regime to keep their cross-border sales going, avoid extra tax costs and frustrated customers.

Read the report to learn about key industry trends, emerging issues, and challenges faced by cross-border sellers and shippers.

Manage international tax with cross-border solutions for VAT, HS code classification, trade restrictions, and more.

Connect with Avalara for the content you need to do tax compliance right

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