Spanish VAT returns

Quarterly or monthly Spanish VAT returns must be completed by non-resident companies who are trading with a valid Spanish VAT registration . These provide details of their taxable supplies, and indicate the amount of VAT due to the Spanish tax office.

How often are Spanish VAT returns required?

The frequency of VAT reporting in Spain depends on the level of trading


  • Quarterly VAT returns – sales below €6m for goods in the previous year
  • Monthly VAT returns – sales above €6m for goods in the previous year
  • Annual VAT returns – to be completed by all VAT registered businesses


However, in practice the tax authorities will apply their judgement.

What Spanish VAT can be deducted?

As well as declaring the Spanish VAT on any sales, the VAT return also lists VAT on purchases (inputs) that can be offset against the sales VAT due. This includes import VAT. Non-resident companies are allowed to reclaim such input VAT on the same basis as any resident company. Examples of VAT deductions include:


  • Restaurant, hotel and travel costs if for the purposes of business
  • Conferences and seminars
  • 50% of parking costs
  • Business gifts and entertainment are not allowable
  • Advertising
  • Import VAT
  • VAT on the purchase of goods for resale
  • VAT on capital expenditure

What are the reporting deadlines for Spanish VAT returns?

Spanish VAT filings are due on the 20th of the month following the period end. Annual tax summaries are due on the 30th January in the following year.


Any Spanish VAT due must be paid at the same time.

Type of return
Filing deadline

VAT return


30th of the following period

Modelo 303



20th of the following period

Modelo 303



4 calendar days from the issuance of the invoice

Invoice Issued/Invoice Received


EC listing


20th day of the month after the end of the taxation period

Modelo 349



20th of the month following the period

Modelo 349



30th January of the following year

Modelo 349




12th of the following period

Intrastat Declaration

Fixed Format

Yearly return


30th January of the following year

Modelo 390


Local Listings


28th February of the following year

Modelo 347


VAT Group return


30th of the following month

Modelo 322


Where are Spanish VAT returns filed?

When a company first registers for VAT in Spain, it will be allocated to the tax office nearest its fiscal representative. They will submit the filings to their tax office. Filings are done online.

Spanish VAT penalties

Fines for non-compliance are severe in Spain, ranging from 20% to 200%. There may also be interest fines on late VAT payments, typically 5% per month overdue. This can then rise to up to 20% after one year’s delay.

How are Spanish VAT credits recovered?

If the purchase (input) VAT exceeds the sales (output) VAT, then there is a surplus – known as a VAT credit. In principle, this is due back to the VAT registered company. Usually, the business may apply through the final VAT return of the tax year. Often this will trigger a VAT audit.

Other resources

This guide covers the essential steps ecommerce sellers need to take now that the UK has left the EU Customs Union and VAT regime to keep their cross-border sales going, avoid extra tax costs and frustrated customers.

Read the report to learn about key industry trends, emerging issues, and challenges faced by cross-border sellers and shippers.

Manage international tax with cross-border solutions for VAT, HS code classification, trade restrictions, and more.

Connect with Avalara for the content you need to do tax compliance right

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