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Mandatory e-invoicing to be introduced in Belgium

The Belgian government has approved a draft Royal Decree to introduce mandatory e-invoicing for Business to Government (B2G) supplies....Continued

Belgium - Finance Minister confirms intention to implement mandatory B2B e-invoicing

On October 29, 2021, Belgium’s Minister of Finance released a policy note in relation to the 2022 Budget Agreement, reaffirming the Belgian Government’s intention to introduce mandatory e-invoicing fo...Continued

Belgium VAT filing COVID delays

Belgium has announced that taxpayers may delay the filing deadlines for their VAT returns in recognition of the COVID crisis....Continued

Belgium delays VAT filings & payments on coronavirus

The Belgian authorities have confirmed that they will allow companies to delay the filings by over two weeks and payments by two months. It had already offered an application process for companies nee...Continued

Belgium enforces UK Brexit VAT fiscal representative

Belgium is informing UK traders that they must plan to appoint fiscal representatives ahead of the December 2020 end of the Brexit transition period. At this point, the UK leaves the EU VAT regime. Be...Continued