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US Texas updates foreign sales tax obligations

Texas has provided new guidance on the sales tax obligations for foreign sellers and marketplaces. Texas introduced foreign sales tax requirements, based on the economic nexus rule from 1 October 2019...Continued

UK COVID new HMRC deferred VAT repayment scheme

The UK’s HMRC has issued a new scheme for repaying VAT that taxpayers deferred between 30 March and 20 June 2020. This VAT was scheduled to fall due after 31 March 2021, and HMRC has now launched a ne...Continued

Cyprus VAT easements for coronavirus crisis

Cyprus implemented on 27 March delays on penalties for VAT payments for all businesses. This is an update as previously only businesses below €1 million turnover or with a 25% reduction in turnover we...Continued

Brexit Northern Ireland 'XI' VAT and EORI number

Northern Ireland must follow EU and UK VAT rules after Brexit . 'XI' VAT and EORI numbers must be used on goods invoices, statistical reporting and customs documents to help the HMRC and the EU follo...Continued

Poland launches B2B e-invoice consultation

Poland has issued a public consultation on imposing mandatory electronic B2B invoicing by 2023 to help reduce VAT fraud. Initially, there will be a voluntary phase from October 2021. ...Continued

Philippines postpones VAT filings and settlements

The Philippines has delayed VAT payments for March, for reporting February VAT transactions. This includes the return, BIR Forms 1601C. The new due date is 20 April 2020. Quarterly VAT returns for the...Continued

Slovakia e-invoice proposal

Slovakia has published legal proposals to require B2B government pre-apprroved electronic invoicing. This would extend to B2C invoices if not already issued by VAT cash registers. ...Continued

US attractive ecommerce opportunity – beware of sales tax trap

Many European and international ecommerce sellers are looking to the US for further expansion as it continues to expand through the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes many UK sellers who are finding EU...Continued

Poland to revisit UK Brexit fiscal representative

Poland may review its decision to require UK businesses to appoint a VAT fiscal representative following Brexit. However, the requirement is still in place for the time being....Continued

Germany extends COVID 7% restaurant VAT rate to Dec 2022

The ruling parties of the German coalition have agreed to extend the temporary VAT rate cut for the restaurant sector until December 2022. The current cut from the standard 19% to the reduced 7% rate ...Continued