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Brexit import goods into GB from EU; customs and VAT

What are steps to import goods from the EU into GB from 2021 following Brexit? This guide covers both the option of deferred UK customs declarations or standard declarations, as well as preferential t...Continued

UK Brexit Postponed VAT Accounting PVA and VAT return

The UK is scheduled to leave the EU VAT regime on 31 December 2020. The UK is introduced deferred import VAT scheme – Postpone VAT Accounting PVA – so traders importing goods into the EU and rest of t...Continued

Brexit - selling digital goods? Reapplied for MOSS VAT return?

Following the UK leaving the EU VAT regime 1 January 2021, if you are an UK, EU or US seller of digital services, then you will need new VAT registrations to avoid being fined by the tax authorities. ...Continued

UK 2021 VAT on ecommerce B2C imports

The UK’s HRMC has released details of the changes to VAT on goods sold from overseas to UK consumers after the end of the Brexit transition period, 31 December 2020. The 1 January 2021 UK B2C ecommerc...Continued

UK Intrastat required after Brexit? Yes!

Following Brexit, businesses importing (arrivals) goods into Great Britain (UK minus Northern Ireland) from the EU are still expected to prepare monthly Intrastat reports if over the £1.5m reporting t...Continued

UK and EU EORI numbers for Brexit

Businesses moving goods between the UK and EU from 1 January 2021 require an Economic Operator Registration Identification (EORI) number from both the UK and EU. EORI numbers are unique numbers busine...Continued

Avoid the Brexit import VAT trap

From 1 January 2021, anyone selling goods to consumers or businesses between the UK and EU face import VAT, potential tariff bills and customs declarations for the first time. ...Continued

Brexit VAT on services to EU or UK

Following the UK leaving the EU VAT regime on 31 December 2020, most of the changes on VAT will affect goods movements. There are limited changes to VAT on services – except certain cross-border B2C s...Continued

Extra Brexit VAT registrations to avoid fines and keep trading?

To avoid major tax fines, most UK and EU sellers will have to apply for additional VAT numbers to continue selling from 1 January 2021 – the end of the Brexit transition period. They will lose one of ...Continued

Avoid EU & UK import VAT after Brexit; Postponed Accounting

Goods moving between the UK and EU 27 member states are liable to import VAT payments following the UK leaving the EU VAT regime on 31 Dec 2020. But, with careful planning EU or UK traders can avoid t...Continued